September 20, 2009

Where's the fireman??

I went to another church last night. This was Salem Alliance. I think it must be the biggest Protestant church in the area. It has some 5000+ people who call it their church home. They have 2 services on Saturday nights- 5 and 6:30PM. 3 Services on Sunday Morning 8, 9:30, and 11 and then one extra service at 9:30 in their old building they like to call the Cedar Hall. I did enjoy parts and others, not so much.
When I came into the building, I was greeted by a few people handing out stickers for their promotion of their Group Life. It was a Got Milk type sticker that said, Got Group? and being new, when they asked me "Are you a part of a group," I was thinking they were talking about this night, and I was confused. Anyways, I liked the idea of the promotion. They said while greeting that if someone had a sticker to ask them what group they were in. They had a video promotion of the group Life as well, that was done very well. I liked it. The worship was good. Again, I could not hear the background singers, just the worship leader, but the band did a good job. I think there were a few people up there who did not need to be there, ie. a person who was doing percussion other than the drummer, but it was still good.
The facility was nice, but there they were again, those pews have been practically everywhere I go. In Central Oregon, I do not remember many places still having pews and you would expect that a bigger more liberal type of place would not have pews, but I think they are more prevalent.
The pastor did an okay job of preaching. I honestly wasn't ALL that impressed, but he wasn't that boring. There was no PowerPoint and that was saddening, but the images they did have up for announcements and such were well done.
So, overall, the place was a bit too big for me, and the pastor didn't dazzle me. (And I need to be dazzled right?)

On my way home, I realize I need to put oil in my car, I can hear it chugging a bit, so I get home pop the lid and go upstairs to get some oil from my room.  This is at around 8PM at night mind you, and it is harder to see since we are not in summer anymore. So, I go back down to put the oil  in and I can't see well, but I know if I leave it til morning I will forget. So I try to do my best to pour the oil in the right spot. At first I am sloppy, but find my rhythm. Then all of a sudden, I see a fire start under my car. I have NO CLUE what to do. I try to blow it out, but this is not helping, I think about running inside to see if they have a fire extinguisher, and think thats not the greatest idea either. So, I just stand there helpess, thinking it is going to go out on its own. Well,... thankfully it does. I check inside the compartment and it looks out. I check underneath the car, and it looks out. so i carefully pour the rest of the oil in the car and check both places again for the fire. Then I close the lid and go upstairs.
Then I look out my window to make sure the fire is not started up again, about 6 times before I go to bed.
WOW, what a night. I don't think that there was any damage to my car, but I guess I will see.


Unknown said...

Ahhh, pews. They are some of the most uncomfortable seats around. But, all the better at keeping you awake right?(hehe) Car fire, nice! It remids me of the time my Dad got 5 foot flames to come out of our cars engine and my Mom yelled, "It's gonna blow!", and shoved us kids away from the window!=)

Bekah said...

YIKES! I'm glad you are ok and your car too - and super glad you have found your home church away from home church :)