April 20, 2011

Easter Outfits

How many of you have dressed up for Easter? Just when you were younger? Still today? It was quite a tradition in my family to Dress up for Easter. That meant we got new fancy outfits, usually in pastels for the girls and uncomfortable shoes for me. Every other Sunday of the year, it was nice, but not special clothes for service, but when Easter comes around, boy, you go all out and get a new outfit to wear. Now, don't get me wrong, I like getting new things, but I have never ever been a huge fan of fancy clothes, and still am not today. I could not be Barney, wearing suits all day everyday, even suitjamas (yeah, I just watched HIMYM again and recently came to that episode).
Not anyone I know, just totally an Easter Outfit Family- matching and all that
The sisters, being twins, always got matching dresses that they would wear, whereas I would get a little tie, and new shirt and dress pants. (and the shoes). To be honest though, I have still carried that into my adulthood- the dress-up-in-the-Sunday-Best-for-Easter thing.

It makes me wonder though, when regular church-goers dress up special for Easter, does that make the unchurched (or as Pastor Randy calls em- CEOs- Christmas/Easter/Only) feel out of place or stuffy? Does it make them feel like they don't fit in because they are not in a 3 piece suit? Would it be better to just wear when I usually wear to Church- anywhere from a tee and jeans to a polo and khakis (no real dress code at New Hope). It makes you wonder.


Unknown said...

It seems to me if they are bothering to come to church they will dress up as it is known that you dress up for those particular ocasions at church and if they don't bother, they must not care either way!
There is nothing wrong with people wanting to look nice, in fact I think it shows respect both of yourself and the others around you!

Unknown said...

Getting a kick out of your Easter comments! Well I want to first comment on your last one I love the sunrise service too and remember always being cold to but loving it. When I was a little girl we were poor but we didn't know it ...my Grammie who will be 100 in Feb bought my sisters and I dresses from the goodwill and little cheap white shoes....our mom always got us new white socks, a pack of gum, a 50 cent piece, and a little butter carton made into a Easter basket with a couple eggs in it...after church we would go to my Great Grandma's for a huge egg hunt and my uncle Harold always had golden goose eggs as the big prize! What joy it is to remember singing "Up from the Grave He Arose" and knowing we have a living Savior! Thanks Tim for reminding us to think of our childhood Easter memories....I pray we are making them with our grandkids too! Love your sweet sensitive blogs!