December 8, 2010

50 Days: Gift ideas

Each year, around November I start thinking about what I might want for Christmas. The great thing is that, ultimately, I have everything I need. I always get a kick out of my father, of whom every year when I ask him what he would like for Christmas says the same thing: "I have everything I need". It is a great thing to have family members who do not need thing after thing. I think it is because we all realize that it is not about the gifts. It can "come with out ribbon or boxes or bags" (Grinch Reference in case you missed it).

We all have more than we need. God has given us so much. But it sure makes it tough to find gifts for someone who says they have everything they need. I like to get gift ideas from my family members. Sure it may take out a bit of the surprise, but I ensures the gift is something that is wanted.
The same goes for me. I should be the easiest person to shop for, because I make my list and they can ask for ideas and Ill give em some.

This year, we were asked to give a gift idea for a larger present rather than smaller ones. That is a problem for me because the gifts that I would like that are larger are TOO large and I would not want the parents to spend that kind of money. So, I have had to come up with some other ideas. We shall see how they work out.

17 Days until Christmas!
Do you have all your gift ideas planned out yet?


Alex Quillian said...

Didn't you already do a post about gifts?

TimKirkman said...

Becca, I have done variations of this idea, but I try to be a bit different on each. I think you might find more postings that are similar, but I am trying as hard as I can to make them different in some way. For example- I had TREE of the 27th of Nov.- I had DECORATING THE TREE on the 30th- the SMELL OF THE CHRISTMAS TREE on the7th. I tried to make a different take, but all on the same topic. Also, I do have alot of overlap - I know that.