December 22, 2010

50 Days: Travels

I'm altering my blogging once again. Yes, I have decided that today's posting of Christmas will be a love-hate part of the Christmas Tradition- Travel.
It seems every year, there is some sort of Christmas Travels. When I was younger, we almost every year went down to California to visit family on my mother's side. We would get up before, a day after, or even sometimes ON Christmas, and we would travel 9 hours on the road. Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we would go. It would always be snowy on the roads, being December, and so that would slow us down some.

On those trips, when I was younger, and even now when I go on long travel trips, I would be so excited that I would not want to sleep. I would be ready for Christmas and constantly thinking of the trip and the fun and just not get to sleep one wink. This was not fun when I was younger because it would make the waiting for the trip extremely long, whereas if I would have just gotten to sleep, when I awoke I would have been ready to go. It also was a bummer because I would be grouchy. My family knows this about my quite a bit- the grouchy factor on long trips or vacations.

Travels are inevitable for the holidays around my house. This year is no different- I made travels on Monday morning, nice and early to get to La Center, WA to visit the parents and I am excited to see my sisters, bro in law, and niece soon.


Unknown said...

Hmm, why do your posts show up mutiple times in my new post listings??
We have never travled as far as I can remember, I would like to sometime, but as my Mom says it's cold wet and tiring I wouldn't like it anyway! So maybe I'm not missing too much!

TimKirkman said...

I have been having troubles with my blogger not allowing me to post the way I want. It only adds so much. it seems to have something to do with adding graphics. I like having a clip art or something to go with the post, but I tried numerous times to get it to work and it would not. Sad, I know.

Traveling is fun and not fun at the same time.