December 15, 2010

50 Days: Wrapping Paper

I have had two different theories of Wrapping Paper in the past. I used to get the cheapest Wrapping Paper as I could get. I would get the cheapo $1 paper that was paper-thin- as in really easy to rip- and not having much on the roll. I thought that all wrapping paper was like that. Then one time, I used someone else's paper and found how thick and easy their wrapping paper was and realized I should get higher quality wrapping paper.
So, that is when I found Hallmark! Hallmark has high-quality paper that is special. Their paper is lined on the back for cutting straight lines. Now, that I have Hallmark paper, I don't go anywhere else. I just love the quality of the paper and I find some good designs too which is a nice bonus.

What I like to do is go to Hallmark a day or two after Christmas and get the paper at  50% or more off. It works great and each year I am going to get paper for the next year. Right now, I have just started this idea and so the last few years I have done this and am starting to get a good collection going. I have 3 different Christmas-themed papers- two unopened, one being used. And I have two Birthday types as well. One opened, the other not. Eventually, I will get my collection up and have many to choose from. I like using one paper per year so all my presents are of one type. I know, not much diversity, but thats alright. Its all uniform. hehe

10 Days until Christmas! That's a Wrap!


Unknown said...

Costco's paper is really nice and has those handy dandy cutting lines! Not to ruin your tradition or anything, just letting you know!=)

TimKirkman said...

Thanks Katy.Ill have to check it out.