November 6, 2010

50 Days: Christmas Music

I have a difficult time waiting for things. In the car, I get very uptight when I am stuck behind someone slow- (I got that trait from my mother, Shh- don't tell) When we were younger and the family was leaving for a trip, I packed a week early and was up first thing in the morning ready to go and very impatiently waiting for the rest of the family to get ready. Christmas is another one of those times in which I find it hard to wait for. There are many aspects of having to wait in the christmas department- but we will get to each one of those eventually in my christmas postings.

Today is about Christmas Music.

After a quick check of my iTunes Library, I have 326 Christmas songs in my arsenal with 48 artists represented. I so enjoy Christmas music and look forward to listening to the cheerful songs each year. In my personal life, I hold up in my room and listen to Christmas Music as early as before Halloween.  I know, I know, many of you don't like me for do that, but I do not subject you to this music until after Thanksgiving- its a Faux Pas to be listening to the holiday music before Thanksgiving is over- that is why I don't make anyone listen with me until after that wonderful feast.

Home For ChristmasGrowing up in a household with classical music, every year, we listen to Hadel's Messiah, Dallas Brass, and The Nutcracker each year. I have very fond memories of those albums. With the exception of the Dallas Brass music, I didn't know at a young age that those were Christmas albums. One of the first Christmas albums (I should say Cassettes) that I remember loving was Amy Grant's Home for Christmas. It really is the most wonderful time of the year, isn't it? And of course Grown Up Christmas List and The Night Before Christmas were great songs as well. Really every single song on that collection is timeless for me.

Some of the more recent albums that I enjoy are:

The two middle albums came out just last year and I found them and could not stop listening. Click on any of those boxes to be taken to Amazon to listen em. Some of my favorite Christmas Originals are:
All I Want for Christmas- Mariah Carrey (I know, not Christian, but I still like the song, funny huh?)
Jesus, Born on this Day- Avalon - if you haven't ya gotta take a listen.
Putting on a Play- B.O.B. -mostly I love it because it reminds me of Christmas Plays in the church.
His Favorite Christmas Story- Capital Lights- A very touching story- it makes me cry.
Christmas Shoes- Newsong- another one of those cry songs that leaves you with a feeling of contentment.
The Chipmunk Song- This has a family joke in it- In First Grade I did a lipsync and it is hilarious. You can watch it here. Yes, I am Alvin.

I'm sorry that this post is WAY WAY longer than I expected it to be. I will try to cut back in the future 49.

50 Days to Christmas- Are you in the Spirit yet?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was going to do this along with you, but my brain is fried from writing, so I will do a 25 days of Christmas! I love Amy Grant.=)