November 16, 2010

My Review- A Christmas Carol

Well, I have to say that this is not a part of my 50 Days of Christmas Blogging but does fit into the category. I just Redboxed (Yes, I use it as a verb, some might not agree) the brand new Christmas Carol today (being its release day) and found I was very surprised.
Some was good surprise, other neutral, and other not as good.

To start off with, I was just SO SO amazed by Jim Carrey's voice in the movie. It was certainly the high point. He did a great job and added a bit of himself to the role as well, which I really appreciated. Next, also in the Scrooge area, was the Character of Scrooge's animation. It was very realistic and popped out at me every time there was a shot with Scrooge in it- especially the closeups.

Other characters did not seem as realistic to me. They looked fake and it seemed to me that the realistic factor (which it seems they were trying to excel at) did not come through. I don't know if they didn't have as much time to perfect the animation as they did with Scrooge or what, but it was not on the same caliber.
The scenery (other than the characters) was pretty impressive. The lighting- great, the visual effects-amazing, overall very good.

Disney's A Christmas Carol (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D / Blu-ray / DVD / Digital Copy)I was very surprised because with a Disney feature and also being animation, it seemed like it was for kids, but after watching, I do not believe that was the case. There were many parts that could scare a kid half to death. Afterall, A Christmas Carol, with spirits and death, is not a book I would be reading to say my 2nd grade students in school. It has themes that are deep for smaller children.
I was also surprised that Bob Cratchet did not have as big of a role as other renditions I have seen and come to love.

I felt that Pixar could do a better job with the animation than Disney did. Now, I am talking about Pixar the Animation company, not my Puppy, Pixar.  ;) And to be honest, I imagine that Pixar would find ways to add funny things of their own as well.- But that is all speculation.

Anyway, I just had to write out my thoughts. If you have not seen this movie, I would recommend it to you as long as you preview it yourself before letting a smaller child watch it to make sure that it is in the scary factor that you child could handle.

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