November 10, 2010

50 Days: Coming Up With Gifts for Family

I enjoy looking for presents for family, but I have to say, sometimes it is a daunting task. I have a father who is somewhat hard to find gifts for. I used to have a sure thing for my mother- Monk seasons on DVD. Yeah, Monk used to come out during my mother's birthday season and so each year I had a sure bet. I knew that she would want the season and she knew she was getting it from me (and usually a sister as well).
My sisters usually are tough as well. I know that it is all about the thoughts of the giver, but I really find it simple to ask for ideas from my family. Sometimes I find the perfect gift on my own, but other times, nothing comes to me.

A few years ago, for my sister Kelli, I found the perfect gift for her. It is a book published with clippings of 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s advertisements and such. It was perfect except for the fact that I found it in the summertime. I wanted to get one right there, but instead I took a picture on my phone of the ISBN#. I kept that in my phone until I was reminded myself about this present idea in November and looked it up online and bought it via Amazon. It was a great find and a great gift. I was very happy that I found it.
Another gift that I got a kick out of was a T-shirt for my brother-in-law. Granted, he is not a TShirt kinda guy, but He is a John Deere guy- He loves John Deere (don't ask me why) and I found a shirt in Canada that said John Moose. It was great. (Not that he wears it, but still fun)

Anyway, If everyone was like me- giving a list of presents ideas to a family member that asks, this it would be so simple.

46 Days until Christmas! Better start thinking about those gifts for your family members.

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