November 28, 2010

Pontificating the Cosmos- WOW (got that Truth Project people?)

Walking away from my College/Career group, The HUB, tonight, I knew EXACTLY what I was going to do when I got home. I could feel it in the air and I knew that it was something that I HAD to do...

Go in the Hot Tub at home!

The stars were so inviting and the wind was calm and there was a peace in the air that was calling to me, so that is what I did.

While I was out there I thought of how great it would be to be all alone at the top of a mountain bundled up (when am I EVER bundled up right?) and laying on the fresh snow, staring up at the sky with no one or nothing around me. Just me and God's AWEsome work.
Or perhaps, I could be out in the middle of the forrest with a huge clearing. There would be a circle of soft grass all around me bordered in the distance by trees. I swear, I could lay there for hours with not a care in the world.

There would be no house to block my view. There would be no cars driving on the highway in the distance. No dog to whine at the door that he was cold (yes, I had Pixar out there with me and he was a pain- made me go in earlier than I wanted to because of his whining). There would be nothing but me and God. WOW, I could really go for that right now. Couldn't you?

I felt so small as I was pondering the beauty of God's creation. I felt as though my worries- not having much money, or much work, or a permanent job- were all such tiny issues in the whole scheme of things.

When was the last time you stopped and slowed down to hear that still, small voice of God? I know it is few and far between for me at times.

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