November 14, 2010

50 Days: Santa

Santa is one of those past times that is memorable. I have known many friends who never believed in Santa. Their families debunked that rumor from the start.
Growing up as a PK (Pastor's Kid) one would think that my family would be the same- not giving into Santa and discussing the TRUE meaning of Christmas. In part, yes, that is true, but my family never really denied Santa. We would take pictures with Santa at times and we had an older gentleman in our church that loved to Dress up as Santa for church. Of course, growing up, we knew about Santa and we also knew this older gentlemen was the one dressed up. One particular Christmas (I don't remember, but have been told numerous times) we had a visit from Santa, but this was not Woody- the older gentleman from our church, it was another family friend. We were sure it was Woody and were sure to tell him so. It was, I have been told, a funny sight.

But you tell me "Which is better: a lie that brings a smile or a truth that brings a tear" (Miracle on 34th Street Quote- New version)
My family, as I said, did not debunk the Santa idea, but also did not hype it up. They put out presents when they were bought and not just on Christmas Eve and we were always told to thank mom and dad for the presents- not Santa. We grew up with such a wonder for Christmas even without Santa.

I remember watching a few years ago of a memory in the past recorded on VHS. I was probably around 5 or 6. It was that same older gentleman- Woody, who showed up at church on a Christmas party as Santa. There was a very conservative "Christian" man who, apparently did not like the idea of Santa and was putting words in Woody's mouth about his real identity and the fact that Jesus was the reason for Christmas not Santa. I got a kick out of that. He was being so careful to make sure that the children at church did not believe in Santa. Oh, such a scary thought- believing in Santa.
I can recall a episode of the show 7th Heaven- which is/was a very christian-based show- and it brought up the fact that this young girl was not believing in Santa and her older brother prayed to God saying that she needed to believe in Santa because it helps build for believing in the bigger stuff like God. I thought that was an interesting way of looking at it.

41 Days Until Christmas! Do you Believe!

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