November 16, 2010

50 Days: Nativity

I love the Christmas Nativity. It's one of the true reminders of the reason for Christmas. A few years ago, I was given the nativity pictured to the right as a decoration (actually mom got one for each one of us kids) and I love unpacking it each year and arranging it in an ideal place- And NO, that does not mean putting the Bull on the roof Kelli!

But, another aspect to the Nativity is Live Nativities. To be honest, I haven't seen a live nativity and would love to so if you know of a place in Central Oregon that has a live nativity anytime during the season, let me know.
A live nativity is where people dress up as the people from the story and portray the people outside for a few hours as still as possible (at least as I understand live nativity.

Another aspect to this posting title is the movie Nativity Story! We have recently, in the past few years, added the Nativity Story to our 25 Days of Christmas Movies lineup (because it fairly recently came out). It is a good reminder of the Christmas story. It was a movie that was well-done, very different from other Christmas-type movies and to me doesn't have the "Christian Movie" feel to it (which is good)

39 Days until Christmas! 
It's a little over a week until Thanksgiving, then Christmas is in FULL Swing!


Unknown said...

This is my favorite nativity set! Minus the go green towles, I'm not sure what that's all about!!

TimKirkman said...

someone's got expensive tastes. hehe

Megan Marie said...

hahaha well you need to come visit me Tim, my church DOES a live Nativity every Christmas, the 4 days leading up to Christmas. I should know I helped with it last year with organizing all the costumes... :-) It was great, COLD... But great. I will make sure to take LOTS of pictures this year to share with you all. Plus as for Katy's expensive tastes she and I are the same! LoL That's the exact nativity set that I am collecting.. My wonderful family bought Shawn and me a good portion of it last year for Christmas... :-)