November 7, 2010

50 Days: Excitement

What is the most exciting time of the year? You can probably guess my answer considering that this is a blog session about the 50 Days of Blogging Christmas. It's Christmas. That is the most exciting time of year!
You may ask, "What's so exciting about Christmastime?"
Well, I will tell you. 

There are so many exciting aspects of Christmastime. As I mentioned yesterday, the christmas music. Christmas music is a very exciting aspect of Christmastime in the fact that we have to wait all year long for the ability to listen to the holiday music without getting scowls from those around us. Christmas music is always so cheerful and that is why it is exciting. I love the glorious music.
Christmas Decorations are exciting. They bring such a happy glow to the insides and outsides of houses.
She looks excited, right?
Christmas Trees are exciting. Whoever thought of having trees inside the house was a genius. The wonderful smell, the look, all decorated, ... Oh, I am getting ahead of myself- Christmas Trees posting is on November 27.
Santa is exciting. Oh, I know the truth about Santa, but the fact is that even the fictional character that Santa portrays is exciting- Getting to ride around in a sleigh, giving presents to all the children.
Giving Christmas Presents is exciting. It is so much fun trying to figure out what others want and seeing the look on their face when the perfect gift is given.
Getting Christmas Presents are exciting. Of course, not as fulfilling as giving the perfect gift, but still oh so exciting. When I was younger, I used to loose sleep on Christmas Eve, not because of Santa, but because I was so excited to open presents in the morning. Also, another sleep-loosing event that often happened around Christmas Day was taking a trip all the way down to Cali. Mom's family is all down in California and that means that we were always stuck with the task of driving down there for Christmastime.

There are such exciting times around Christmastime. What do you get excited about?

49 Days until Christmas. Are you excited yet?


Unknown said...

Chocolate covered cherry cookies, yum! Christmas plays, the parade, Christmas books um, I'm pretty sure I find almost everything about Christmas exciting!

Alex Quillian said...

The ironic message of family and home comfort when everyone is running around like chickens with their heads chopped off.....
Yep, tons of reasons to be excited about Christmas ;)