November 28, 2010

50 Days: Eagle Crest

Eagle Crest is a high-roller resort just outside of Redmond. No, I have never stayed there. This blogging post is about their annual Christmas lights. Every year, around this time, they set up their Christmas lights that are all along their golf course and a road that you get to drive down by bringing a few dollars and some cans of food for a good cause. This was a family tradition until a few short years ago.
They are open from 5:50-9:30 every day from Thanksgiving to Jan.2. Go HERE for more info
I loved getting in the car every Christmas Eve and among other things, going to the Eagle Crest Starfest and looking at the lighted teddy bears, and snow skiers, and dragon in the middle of the golf course.
One thing that I think is pretty sweet is that Redmond High School's Tech program were involved in making some of the lighted pieces and Eagle Crest paid the school for their pieces. (It was the mostly the manufacturing class that did the pieces.

If you have not been to this event in the Central Oregon area, I encourage you to attend this year. It is very exciting.

27 Days until Christmas!  
May we light up the world 
and give holiday cheer like these light shows do!

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