November 22, 2010

50 Days: Shopping

I enjoy shopping. But, it has to be "Male" shopping to let me enjoy it. There is a big difference between Male and Female shopping. Female shopping is where you go to the store not knowing what you want (or perhaps not even wanting to buy anything), and you go around to whatever shop suites you and you touch everything and look around for hours. Male shipping is where you are in need of something, you find a store that has it, and you go out and get it. It also may include shopping around for the best price- so you go to one store and look at their price and find it is too expensive and so you go to another store and get the same item there.
I don't know if those terms of Male and Female shopping are used other places than my family, but, stereotyping that it is, it is used in our family to describe the shopping trip.

Christmas is certainly a time for shopping, even though it is not the reason for Christmas.
I get a kick out of Black Friday. My family never used to do Black Friday deals, but in the past few years we have done a bit. We are not the type of BlackFridayers who get up at 3AM to be at store opening after store opening, but do occasionally go out to the less crowded stores at less crowded times.
Mom loves going to Fred Meyer around 8 or 9 or 10 in the morning to get socks. One year, we made a big deal out of it all and went into Bend and did the JCPenny thing and lots of other stores nice and early. I remember that I got a free Mickey Mouse Snowglobe.

A few years ago, I went out on my own and did Male shopping on Black Friday. I knew from the ads what I wanted to get- some really cheap DVDs at Target- and I went and got em. The store opened at 5AM that year and so I was in line waiting at 4:55. Sure, I was at the back of the line, but I was def. not going to wait out in the cold at 4AM sharp. I get in the store in time, and I husled down the aisle to get the few DVDs I wanted and then I husled back to the register. I am pretty sure, I was one of the first ones out of the store. That was male shopping at its best.

That is what I had planned this year. I have been looking online at pre-thanksgiving Black Friday ads and found that there were only a few things I wanted to get. I (so far) had planned to go just to Target on Friday morning nice and early, but I found the coolest thing this morning. I got an email from Amazon. They had an advertisement for Pre-Black Friday (or Cyber Monday) deals and mentioned they were offering deals matching Black Friday ads in stores.
I knew what I wanted to get at the Black Friday price, so I searched Amazon, and sure enough, the deal (im not going to mention it because it is a present and the receiver might be reading this) was available at Amazon- today. So, I bought it for the Black Friday price and it will be at my house on Wednesday. How exciting.

33 Days until Christmas! 
Is your Shopping done yet? (Or even started?)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The online black Friday shopping seems like cheating......but maybe that's just me!