November 18, 2010

50 Days: Cool Brisk Air

Around this time of year, it seems that the colder weather starts coming around. It might start to frost or snow, especially during the night. This is a perfect posting for today because we seem to be at the start of a cold front coming in. For the most part, our fall season this year has been very late. We were having high temps in September and October with a short-lived snow in there somewhere. But, it seems like everything is changing now and getting colder.
I know this because I have the privilege of bringing my dog outside quite a bit to go potty. Pixar has to go out, it seems every hour or so, and that means that I get to stand out in the cool brisk air and wait for him.
To be honest, sometimes it is nice to be out in that wonderful air that is, as the song goes, "...biting at your nose". I can remember when I was in Middle School, I would get up early during the weekdays and ride my bike in the cool brisk air. It was refreshing, to a degree, then if stayed out in it for too long, just gets annoying.

37 Days until Christmas! 
Are you ready for Harry Potter to come out this tomorrow? 
(I know it doesn't have much to do with Christmas or Cool Brisk Air, but it is on my mind today- Thank YOU HUB group!)

1 comment:

Megan Marie said...

ARG!!! NO BRISK AIR HERE.... It got up to 70.. Yes you read that right... 70 today... sigh, I will NEVER get todo my awesome christmas card idea if it doesn't SNOW soon....