November 13, 2010

50 Days: Love

To be totally honest, it was quite a while ago that I made this list of Christmas Blogging topics and this one is fuzzy for me, but I shall do my best.
On this posting I will be writing about two ways of looking at Love during the season.

My love of the Christmas Holiday is apparent in many forms- most of which have or will be discussed on this blog. It is everything from decorations, music, and the Tree, to the spirit, family, and traditions that my family has taken on. My love for Christmas started at a very young age. I really don't see how anyone could not love christmastime- its just so jolly. I do see how some could get upset with the materialism of the season, but that is something that is easily fixed- not giving into all the hype and remembering the true reason for the season. Just as I was writing that, I think of my time last year in Salem. I drove past a house most days that had a sign "Jesus is the reason for the season" of course I have seen this many times before and I agree with the sentiment, but this was a sign that was up YEAR-ROUND! With a sentiment such as that, I believe that it needs to be displayed only durring the Christmas season because those not familiar with the sentiment might not understand why Jesus would be the reason for the Summer season!

The next aspect of Love is not about my love for the season, but the love that goes around at the season. I feel the love of family around this most wondrous holiday. I feel the joy of the people around me during this season. I feel God's undying Love for mankind as the season approches the birth of our Lord and Savior. There is just so much love to go around during this season.

42 Days until Christmas! Can you feel the Love tonight? (Yes, Lion King- Totally)

(Disclaimer- if you have been following my last lines, you will notice that I skipped a day- numerical error on my account- I was counting Christmas Day- so the actual number of days left is truly 42. That just brings us one day closer than originally thought- SWEET!)

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