November 9, 2010

50 Days: Hot Spiced Cider

Hot Spiced Cider is one of the greatest  seasonal drinks ever. The holiday that I fully associate Spiced Cider with is Halloween. It is one of those drinks that you can not go wrong with. I have found the perfect recipe online and I have gotten rave reviews from my guests.

Hot Spiced Cider is pretty much Apple Cider (Which supposedly is different from Apple Juice because it is not as filtered and could have more pulp.) and is heated with ingredients such as spices like Allspice, Cinnamon, and possibly oranges.

If you have not tried Hot Spiced Cider before- you gotta taste this experience this Holiday Season.  If you are so inclined to try my recipe:

1 Gallon of Apple Cider
1/2C. Packed Br. Sugar
2 Cinnamon Sticks
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Whole Allspice
Pinch Nutmeg
2 Large Oranges- Peeled and Quarters
1 tsp. Whole Cloves

Pour the Apple Cider into a crock pot. Place the rest of the ingredients in cheesecloth or coffee filters and band them together. Place the crock pot to spice. Let cook until hot. (Take the spices out before the cider is too strong).

47 Days Until Christmas! What is your favorite drink?


Unknown said...

Chai Tea, real milk and sugar please!=)

Anonymous said...

Ha! My favorite Christmas drink would have to be.... Glühwein