November 29, 2010

50 Days: Decorations- I know its a Dup!

Im sure you were all waiting impatiently by the computer screen for my 50 Days blogging post today. I know, I know, I usually kick it out nice and early in the day but this morning my puppy was having a fit that I was not paying attention to him. Also, I have very little inspiration today considering that the posting is kind of a duplicate of what I have already posted about- Decorations.
I have mentioned already that I have put up my decorations- Nutcrackers, Nativity, Candy Cane Boxes with nougats, all that. I put them up nice and early. I don't know what I was thinking- having "Decorations" and "Decorating the House" They are too similar.
Well, anyway, here is the token 50 Days of Christmas Blogging post, even though it is a duplicate.

On a side, un related note. I was driving home from AWANA tonight and there must have been some huge emergencies or two people were having babies soon and trying to get to the hospital fast, because there were some crazy impatient drivers out there tonight.

26 Days until Christmas! 
Im pretty much halfway done- 
(at least done with page two of my Blogging ideas schedule)
May I not be in such a hurry while driving 
.... and not have further duplicates

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