November 30, 2010

50 Days: Decorating the Tree

Once again, for the second time in a row, I seem to have more duplication in some sense. Today is about Decorating the Tree.
I decorated my tree last saturday and it looks amazing. I was discussing the idea of roommates with a friend a few days ago. My sister is the type who likes to do things with her roommates. They are planning to go get a tree together and decorate their house. I, on the other hand, don't really have a need to include my roommates in the process. I enjoy decorating on my own. I have all the stuff and got the tree and decorated it. I got a kick out of one of my roommates- when he saw me decorating over a week ago. He said- "Isn't Christmas a month away?" I looked at him and joyfully said, Yeah, it is!

25 Days until Christmas! The true countdown begins!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's not even December and it looks like you've already run out of ideas..... ;-)
As for the including the room mate thing, I'm pretty sure that's just a girl thing, wanting to do things in a group. Girls don't even go to public restrooms alone, I have never gotten this and don't like it!=P